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The call for abstracts is now opened. As in past years, the number of oral and poster presentations are limited. For oral presentations, the organizing committee will make every attempt to have each research group represented before any given group is given a second slot. The same principle will be used for research groups with multiple abstract submissions for poster presentations. 

Oral presentations

Each oral presentation will be strictly limited to 17 minutes, with 3 minutes allowed for comments or questions from the audience. In order for the two concurrent sessions to be in sync and for participants to move from one session to the other with minimal disruption, the presenters will be asked to observe this rule. They will be reminded by the chair of the session.

Poster presentations

Posters must not exceed 4 feet in width as two posters will be mounted on both sides of 8' (w) x 4' (h) boards. 

Submission of abstract

Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file, exclusively, using the Abstract Submission Template, adapted with permission from the one used for the 45th IDW held in Ottawa. Please do NOT change the format (font or size) of the document. The PDF version of the abstract must then be submitted to no later than October 18, 2013. Note however that the cut-off date for the early-bird registration is a week earlier (Oct. 11). 

Important guidelines for abstract submission

  1. Underline the presenting author, and mark with an asterisk (*) the corresponding author
  2. Include the contact information (email address) of both the presenting and the corresponding authors
  3. The abstract is strictly limited to one full page, including figures, schemes and references.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your abstract , save it as a PDF file using the following naming conventions:
    • Affiliation_Last name of the corresponding author_Last name of the presenting author.pdf (for example, a student in the Lavoie group at York University, hypothetically named Alex Ziegler, would send his abstract as a PDF file named YorkU_Lavoie_Ziegler.pdf to 
    • If more than one abstract is submitted for the same presenting author, a numerical value should be added to the file name, starting with 1 (e.g. YorkU_Lavoie_Ziegler_1.pdf)
  5. Send the PDF file to
    • Indicate your preference in terms of oral vs. poster presentation in the Subject line of the email.
      • for oral presentations, write "Abstract - ORAL"
      • for poster presentations, write "Abstract - POSTER"
    • ONLY PDF files will be accepted. Submission in any other format will automatically be rejected. 

Updated on October 8th, 2013.